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The Trump administration drafts the bill. The White House can raise tariffs unil

Release time:2018-07-03 | Publisher:admin | Browse times:7769

According to foreign media reports On June 29, local time, US President Donald Trump said that the US government's investigation into whether to increase tariffs on imported cars from the EU and other trading partners will be completed within three to four weeks.

Trump also told reporters that the United States has been treated badly by the World Trade Organization, but has not yet considered withdrawing. Later, on July 1, local time, Axios reported that the Trump administration had drafted a bill called the US Fair and Reciprocal Tariff Act, allowing the White House to unilaterally improve without the congressional approval. tariff.

If the bill goes into effect, it means that the United States will abandon the WTO rules, including prohibiting member states from setting different tariff rates for countries other than free trade agreements, and tariffs must not exceed the established tariff ceilings agreed by WTO members. White House spokeswoman Lindsay Walters responded to Axios’ report that the bill is far from being a reality.
According to Section 232 of the US Trade Development Act of 1962, Trump ordered an investigation into the impact of imported vehicles and parts on national security, and completed the investigation within two months with an unusually fast schedule. However, according to the law, the US Department of Commerce has 270 days to make recommendations to the President of the United States after conducting the "232 investigation." Subsequently, the President of the United States has 90 days to implement these recommendations.

Last year, the US government took a similar investigation into imported steel and aluminum, which took about 10 months to complete, resulting in a 25% tariff on imported steel and a 10% tariff on imported aluminum. Written comments from all parties will be announced on Friday, and the US government has arranged a public hearing from July 19th to 20th.

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