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Bear in mind the historical pain and revitalize the national industry

Release time:2017-12-13 | Publisher:admin | Browse times:45794

- December 13, 1937, Nanjing -
From this day to six weeks
More than three hundred thousand Chinese civilians and Chinese soldiers who have laid down their arms have been brutally slaughtered


- February 27, 2014, meeting -
The decision of the seventh meeting of the Standing Committee of the twelve National People's Congress of China
December 13th every year is set up for the victims of the Nanjing massacre National Memorial Day

- December 13, 2017, today -
Is the fourth Nanjing massacre victims National Memorial Day
When the Nanjing massacre of 80th Anniversary 



10:01 over Nanjing sound alarm, mourning for compatriots. This morning, the party and state leaders attended the memorial at the national memorial ceremony in Nanjing massacre.

In addition, China people's Anti Japanese War Memorial Hall, Shenyang Museum of history, the "918" Shanghai Songhu War Memorial and other domestic 20 reflect the war theme to commemorate the Museum (Museum) synchronous memorial activities held in the morning.

Shenyang's rustproof and painstaging mourning for the victims of the Nanjing Massacre,Bear in mind the historical pain and revitalize the national industry

Nanjing massacre memorial memorial, is to remind, is alert, is a solemn gesture for a wider peace. Today people are Chinese road along the Chinese in high and vigorous spirits of socialism, and strive to achieve the "two one hundred year struggle goals and achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese dream.

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As the industry leader, Shenyang rust will continue, don't forget the heart, temper forward, efforts to revitalize national industry and strive for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and make unremitting efforts!


The following is the speech of general secretary Xi Jinping on the national public taboo ceremony of the victims of the Nanjing massacre, from the China news network.
"My fellow citizens, Comrades, friends: today, we held the national victims of the Nanjing massacre memorial ceremony here, cherish the memory of the innocent victims of the Nanjing massacre, the memory of all the Japanese invaders brutally killing victims of memory Chinese people's Anti Japanese War victory of the revolutionary martyrs who gave their lives and national hero, expressed lofty aspirations China people unswervingly follow the road of peaceful development, China that people remember the history, forget the past, cherish peace and create the future of the firm.
In July 7, 1937, the Japanese invaders launched a brutal war of aggression against China, has brought great disaster to China hitherto unknown people, China war, in urban and rural areas were four, Chinese people's lives, the earth, the Chinese in deep distress, a scene of utter desolation.
In December 13, 1937, the Japanese invaders savage invaded Nanjing, created the extremely brutal Nanjing massacre, 300 thousand people were killed, raped and destroyed countless women, countless children died, 1/3 buildings were destroyed, a large number of property plundered. The Japanese invaders inhuman hand made the massacre, is the history of the Second World War on the "three Massacre" is one of the frightful to the ear of crimes against humanity, human history is very dark page.
Moving is the Nanjing massacre in the reign of terror of the day, our compatriots mutual help and mutual support, many international friends are also at risk, in a variety of ways to protect the people of Nanjing, and a record of the Japanese invaders atrocities. Among them were John Rabe of Germany, Bernhard Sindberg of Denmark, John Maggie and others in the United States. For their humanitarian spirit and courageous deeds, Chinese people will never forget.
The massacre in Nanjing, made by Japanese invaders, shocked the world and shocked all the people with conscience. The victory of the Second World War, the Far East International Military Tribunal and Chinese military tribunal trial of war criminals, the Nanjing massacre and make a qualitative investigation and findings from the law, a number of hands stained with the blood of the people China Japanese war criminals were brought to trial and punishment of law and justice, is forever in the history of nail shame on.
History will not change because of the changes of the times, and the facts will not be disappearing because of the cleverly repudiation. The Nanjing massacre massacre, irrefutable evidence can not be tampered with. No one will deny the fact of massacre massacre in Nanjing. The history will not agree. 300 thousand, the dead of the innocent will not agree. 1 billion 300 million, the Chinese people will not agree that all the peace loving and righteous people in the world will not agree.
My fellow countrymen, comrades, friends! The Chinese people and the Chinese nation have always had the heroic spirit of fearlessness and the dares to overwhelm all enemies and not be overwhelmed by the enemy. In the face of brutal and extremely brutal Japanese invaders, the great patriotic spirit of the China people did not yield, but to gather up the fight with the invaders to an unprecedented strong patriotic, triumphalism. In the China communist party call and lead, in the whole nation all positive force joint action, the sons and daughters of hatred, death, and fought against foreign enemies.
After 8 years of extremely hard and bitter bloody, China people paid a heavy price for 35 million casualties, with life and blood to defeat the Japanese invaders and won the great victory of the Anti Japanese War Chinese, also made a significant contribution to the victory of the world anti fascist war.
Chinese's victory, and write the Chinese nation to resist foreign aggression refuse to be cowed or submit epic, thoroughly wash the modern China after repeated foreign invasions of national humiliation, greatly enhancing the national pride and self-confidence, but also created important conditions for Chinese people to develop the correct path to realize national rejuvenation in China under the leadership of the Communist party.
My fellow countrymen, comrades, friends! Since ancient times, peace is the most lasting long cherished wish of mankind. Peace is as warm as the sun and moisten like a rain and dew. With the sun and rain, all things can thrive. With peace and stability, human beings can better realize their dreams.
History tells us that peace needs to be fought and that peace needs to be maintained. Only everyone cherish peace and peace, only everyone remember the painful lessons of the war, only peace there is hope.
We held a memorial ceremony for the victims of the Nanjing massacre, is to arouse the people of every kind of longing for peace and stick, not to perpetuate hatred. The people of China and Japan should be friendly for generations and take history as a lesson and face the future and contribute to the peace of mankind together.
To forget history means betrayal, and denial of guilt means repeated offense. We should not be hostile to a nation because of a few militarist wars in a minority. The war is to blame for a few militarist elements rather than the people, but people should never forget the serious crimes committed by aggressors at any time. All from the history of the war of aggression attitude, all beautify the aggressive nature of the war's remarks, said no matter how many times, no matter how that is harm to human highfalutin, peace and justice. For these mistakes and deeds, people who love peace and justice must be highly vigilant and resolute.
My fellow countrymen, comrades, friends! "Doubt the present, observe the ancient; do not know.


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